Exmoor National Park is one of the best flat land National Park in the South West of England and lies in between the counties of West Somerset and North Devon and includes not only amazing countryside but also given that the National Park stretches down to the coast, the area contains a coastal section as well.
Typically and land is flat, and whilst there are some hills, they’re not very steep or high and therefore the area is perfect for day walk where you’re just looking for an easy walk without the need of specialist navigation or walking equipment.
The National Park is quite small at around 270 Square miles, however other than the countryside the area contains a working population of around ten-thousand with the majority commuting each day to nearby cities such as Exeter and Tauton. The National Park consists of a central plateau of open moorland that offers walkers some serious countryside to get lost into. On the northern side of the park the moorland moves into the coastal section facing onto the Bristol Channel, whilst the south side contains the rolling hills within the area.
The highest peak is located at Dunkery Beacon which is 1,700Ft, cannot really be called a mountain, but does offer walkers the opportunity to for a fantastic walk and if the weather is clear, a fantastic view of the rolling countryside. On the subject of the weather, and especially when in the winter months, the area can see rainfall as high as 200 centimeters per year which makes for some serious bog land and fast flowing and potentially dangerous rivers which whilst are fantastic to look at, can make this area quite dangerous.
If you’re going to see the rivers either for fishing or just to view a fast flowing river in action then make sure that you take precautions and avoid standing right by the edge. As mentioned above, Exmoor makes a fantastic location for day walks for the in-experienced walker and whilst we would always recommend that you take a day-rucksack with a few essentials, there are over seven-hundred miles of paths that are sign-posted that will easily guide you around the landscape whilst at the same time allowing you to get back to your car easily if the weather does come down. One of the most popular walks is the Two Moors Way walk which whilst pretty short, does offer walkers the opportunity to see the area at its best.