My first aid kit contains two types of equipment; Those that will be need in an emergency and go in addition to the emergency kit that I take, and preventive first aid kit that can be used to prevent more a more serious problem.
As an example, I generally carry around a SAM splint in my emergency first aid kit, as a way to immobilise any suspected broken limbs, however I will also carry around blister treatments such as moleskin to help prevent blisters and
Emergency First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit Pouch –

Surgical gloves

Sterile Gauze Swabs, assorted bandages, sterile gauze stips and medical tape Butterfly bandages, Blood-stopping gauze

Range of Splints – SAMS, Inflatable Leg, Ankle and Finger.

Gerber Suspension Multi-Tool
Preventative First Aid Kit

Blister Treatment, RockTape Blister Kit, Moleskin Blister Dressing

Antiseptic wipes, Antibacterial ointment

Anti-diarrheal pills, Antihistamine for allergic reactions

Rehydration salts

Personal Items to include – Sunscreen, Lip balm, Bug spray,